Job Information
Boston Public Schools Stipend Opportunity: ABA Evaluations (SY24-25) in Boston, Massachusetts
Stipend Opportunity: ABA Evaluations (completed by Program Directors for ABA and Supervisors for ABA) PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Program Directors for ABA (and Supervisors for ABA when needed) are required to complete student ABA Evaluations for those on their caseload as well as contractor schools and some out-of-district schools. The range of ABA Evaluations completed by Program Directors is 90 to 150 each year. Most of the steps of the evaluation process are completed during student learning time and are within the regular working hours of the evaluators. The purpose of this stipend opportunity is to allow evaluators to write and finalize the reports outside of student learning time, which will enable them to be more available to students and their educators during the school day. ABA Evaluation Responsibilities: Evaluators are able to submit up to 2 hours per evaluation for the writing of the evaluation when completed outside of an 8 hour work day (work to be completed no earlier than 5 PM or on Weekends). There are several aspects of the ABA Evaluation process that are not eligible for stipend funding because they have to occur during the school day. Record Review: The evaluator is responsible for reviewing any and all pertinent information available about this student’s educational history including previous assessments, progress reports, IEPs, etc. Report Writing and EdPlan Upload: The evaluator is responsible for writing the report to include data from their observations, record review, and teacher interviews. This includes reviewing for grammatical errors, typos, and formatting the report for readability. Review and finalize progress reports, ensuring accuracy and alignment with program goals and objectives. The evaluator is responsible for sharing the report with the team 2 days prior to the IEP meeting. Compensation: Evaluators will receive a stipend of up to 2 hours per evaluation written outside of regular working hours and uploaded by the due date. Please note that this stipend is only for the report writing in order to ensure that Program Directors are more available to be present in classrooms and school buildings during student learning time. The role is expected to take 2 to 6 hours a week with no more than 200 hours maximum for the year. The opportunity is paid at the BASAS hourly rate. Qualifications - Required: Currently in the position of Program Director for ABA or Supervisor for ABA and trained on the ABA Evaluation tool. Terms: The Boston Public Schools, in accordance with its nondiscrimination policies, does not discriminate in its programs, facilities, or employment or educational opportunities on the basis of race, color, age, criminal record (inquiries only), disability, homelessness, sex/gender, gender identity, religion, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, genetics or military status, and does not tolerate any form of retaliation, or bias-based intimidation, threat or harassment that demeans individuals’ dignity or interferes with their ability to learn or work. " />
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Send me a copyStipend Opportunity: ABA Evaluations (SY24-25)
Job Description
Primary Location Central Office - Specialized Services
Salary Range --
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